Link to my homepage Link to an edited version my previous bio assignment that has pertinent info A link to a page full of relevant photos of me and my life A link to a page about scholarship that I and my grandma funded. A link to my resume.

So, backstory behind this. I've always wanted to support my fellow disabled people as a cerebral palsy haver myself, and I was suggested by my grandma to do a little scholarship to do some community service. I've always felt that disabled people, by virtue of having a disability, have to do more to get to the same place as able bodied people do and thus need a leg up so the playing field is even. This scholarship is my and my grandma's attempt to give that leg up, to give to disabled people without reservation, something that eases the burden that comes with living with disabilities in a society that does not always accomodate its people sufficiently, if at all. If you have a disability, please apply and send a little essay about your disability, I'd love to have you.