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a picture of a set of forearm crutches

My crutches. I use them to walk short distances where using my wheelchair is impractical. I wish they would stand up by themselves and also have feet that don't slip on water, but they get the job done when it needs to be done. They're 200 dollars of titanium and have carried me so far in utility and exercise, and I could never ever genuinely insult them.

a picture of a big red electric scooter

My new scooter. My grandpa Dave bought it for me out of his own pocket. It zooms around at breakneck pace, gets around very efficiently, and carries everything I could ever need it to... Except for operate well indoors. I keep crashing into doorframes and walls because it's not meant for indoors and it's just too damn big. I'd trade it in for a revival of my old electric wheelchair in a heartbeat, just for the indoor navigation.

a picture of a big red electric wheelchair

My good ol' wheelchair. It was the second of its bloodline, a loaner from Cook Medical Supply. It's fast, strong, stable, compact, durable, and reliable. Sadly, it broke after a friend of mine tried to put it in his friend's van and it fell apart. I'll miss you, old friend. o7

a picture of a big stupid purple manual wheelchair

Oh... OH, this piece of SHIT! The way it was delivered to me after 6 months of Medicaid waffling, unable to take me ANYWHERE, seat too short and bad for my back, wheels and equipment too far back to make it easy to tip forward, the way that it doesn't handle well at all over cracks AND that Cook Medical Supply has been slow to do anything to help at all, I really REALLY hate this thing and don't think it will work anywhere that isn't extremely flat and well-paved.